22 lockdown ideas.
Squeeze a stress ball. Sit on your sofa with a snuggly throw or blanket. Every couple of hours (safely) do some basic stretches. Avoid too much repetitive corona news and instead watch videos of cute dogs!
1. Have a day where you don’t just put on ‘indoor clothes’
It can make you feel good to have a change! Personally, cosy is good. Learn a new hairstyle perhaps? For example, I’ve always wanted to teach myself how to do a French plait and there are lots of You Tube tutorials.
2. Sketch your garden or the view from your window. Drawing out a beautiful photographic image that means something to you could also be lovely. If you are at home with a busy household (and are not isolating from others) make sure you get your ‘me’ time. A relaxing bath or sitting in a chair, or on a bean bag, reading a book. (A positive and inspirational book by Glennon Doyle or Brené Brown, perhaps. If not, both have incredible Ted Talks). Having your own little corner or separate area, if possible, could mean a lot.
3. Learn a dance!
If you’ve always watched a video (channel Beyonce) and thought ‘I’d love to learn how to do that’ well learn!! (if able to do so mental and physical health wise) For me, it won’t be a music video, as such, but Cups from Pitch Perfect, which I think is fantastic and so clever.
4. You are potentially having thoughts of what you are missing, or things you would like to have the opportunity to do at this time. Write these down as goals for 2021 and 2022, before we are back to our usual routines and forget (that is, if you cannot do them online now!) Put happy, upbeat music to dance to on!!!
Gratitude journals are great.
Every morning write down one thing you are grateful for. Whether it be a special person in your life (friend or family), the memory of a lovely trip you have been thinking about that makes you smile, the sunshine In your garden or a perfect sunrise.
5. Jigsaws!!!
6. I’m always a huge fan of colouring books.. for adults and children. Colouring really calms me.
7. Ask everyone you’re isolating with what their favourite song, film, colour is and the story behind it. Maybe you could even create a hand prints painting of everyone in the household in 2020.
8. Smell oils (as per instructions) that make you feel relaxed or that you love, such as vanilla. Also, wash your hair with a nice smelling shampoo and take time to appreciate the scent.
9. Organise your photographs and / or files on your computer into folders. By month and event, perhaps. It will feel good once you’ve started!
10. Make your bed in the morning if able to be in a different room during the day. It’s always nice and cosy to get into a made bed later!
11. Create your own relaxation centre or spa. Cucumber on the eyes or painting your nails.
12. Sort your underwear drawer.
13. Make your own creative social media banners. I’ve found Canva (app) is a lovely place to do this.
14. Read about the history of your local area. If you’ve always thought that a building that you see everyday looks interesting, look it up!
15. If you are procrastinating about exercise warm up and do 10 squats! Don’t think –
just do it!
16. Phone a friend.
If you both need to vent do it for ten minutes each! Then move on to other things.
17. Write some poetry. If you want to, enter free poetry competitions online (considering any privacy issues)
18. Create a slideshow of photographs for you and a friend of both of you. Maybe you could prepare it to send to them for a birthday or other special occasion.

19. Finger painting!!! (Children’s washable paints)
20. Put meaningful pictures or phrases together on a white board or notice board. Things that make you smile.
21. Weighted blankets. For some these help with stress relief, getting good sleep, anxiety relief and give the feeling of being cuddled. You need to read the instructions on ordering before doing so as picking the correct weight in relation to your body weight is important. Read the care instructions.
22. Tell somebody who is important to you that they are.
‘With everything that is going on in the world at the moment I just wanted to tell you how special you are and list three wonderful things about you…..’