Trauma and ADHD.. it’s all in there together
Noisy head
Want to scoop up liquid with jagged
pieces of bread
The chunks that irritate my stomach
Scratches, irritates, lining
Turning my insides red
Don’t trust myself
My body
Or my judgement
The trauma infiltrates
Spoon fed in shame cycles
to live within my ADHD
There wasn’t a book
before trauma shed
Bread both drenched, dry and
The contradictions that I
question and evict
The soup machine
that sieves through
Still my guts leak
The mysterious goopy concoction
Desired, croutons
Floating in murky
waters of dread
Draw and thin it out
Dissect to understand
Would you want your organs
taken out?
But, it hurts to have them
Cause of sharp, stabbing pains
Never known
and never found

overlapping experiences and feelings, all mixed in, chunks of bread dipping

which is which?
poems to bring up in therapy
Tara star