From the plane - Tara star poetry
Make it easy for you to leave..
The wisdom I never had leaves me
I softly allow you to go
Gentle and giving was my moment
Dying inside, I am losing something
of which I’ll never, truly, let go
I’ll take your hand
You giving up,
is my present
and everyday, slowly, in
my mind
You walk away
Wait till you’ve gone to cry
I’ll define
and redefine
What did I ever mean to you?
Maybe this is what love is
Not wanting
and doing the right
thing by the other person
Cos they walk
and it’s always fine (kind)
Waiting for it to end
Just waiting for the moment
you realise
I’ll gently open the door
I’m ok, and that’s the proof
I know how to give up respectfully
The dreams I never wanted
They disappeared
and beyond the darkness
they grew
They rolled over in muddy boot marks
Respectfully and kindly,
The second hand
the enigma
The steel shoes
that you shook
the weird off, to
I’m drowning
I don’t know how to describe it
but I can’t explain it
I’m living
and I’m okay
I do things, live life
and that’s the proof
What if I say it’s how I’ve always felt
Bolder lodged on top of my chest
So, not real
It’s redundant
Originally it was just
but some of the
demons took a screw
For those that wanted to help
I am a heaviness
consistently pushing on me
Violent tides reach and swell
You’ll see it eventually
and, selfishly, I want to delay
Want to believe, but this
game we are playing,
I can’t believe in it
and it mocks me
Isolated, on conveyor belt
Occasionally I went to the
and when I left
all they felt was relief
I look at you
and your eyes that will
soon - be disappointment
Knowing I will lose this
And, with dignity, we all
save face
Everybody knows what’s
happening here
It’s not just self abandonment
and I’m ok with it all
Because we can pretend
nothing happened
and all of it is gone
and erased
You are full of real,
and I, empty
There’s no forgiveness to be had
I want never
to be a vulture
but waiting out losing my appeal
Ripping me open
Because I feel like a baby
Twisted, to be made, into bad
The chest weight crushes
and the bed breaks
I see the joy
of lambs skipping in a field
I tried to be real
and something they never had
Sometimes in life, there are
people that aren’t worth it
I tell them, like a lesson
A sadness that we all must
Absentmindedly, I believed for
a second
Overwhelmed with sea spray
I gave you permission
to give up
when I leaked
There were pebbles
Me = quicksand
You = regular, beach
I could never suck up
Who just wanted a pier
and it was ‘fine’
because you’ll always be
important to me
and it’s ok to say goodbye
Tara star poetry
poem journal