Hi, I’m Tara. I am a poet and writer, from the UK. I write about many aspects of mental health and, also, about trauma and ADHD.
Gotta get right, All the words
The words in my head
Remember to remember
Remember to forget

Don’t let me fade like clouds do
Dismiss me, negate my feelings as alien voodoo
My fluffy lightness, disappearing with every comment
I feel threatened by memories, new and historic With each treacherous downpour,
each tense shake during a breath out
I remind myself of my brain’s power
Taking myself out, I look -
Fly above
In my mind, I let out peaceful sonnets
Swarming with self-doubt
To escape, until I can be alone, I stay calm Escaping what can be home, perhaps, is ironic Look at phone, collect chaotic thoughts
Mashed in a tube of lip balm, to hydrate
Sat alone for the first few moments
The peace within, I need to zone in or
out for
To create
I need to cry
I should matter to you enough
For my face, after seeing you, to be dry
Instead, I hide behind my raincloud
Feeling worthless
And you don't need to try
And, as darkness leaves me
Standing, only, in pretend
Waiting, for the sobs to come safely
The sky opens
and tears descend

tara talks poetry
Blood pours
at the undoing
But when it’s stitched up
Handled with care
Hearts glow beautifully
They just need the right
That’s you
To tend to them gently
And, on the road to unconditional
Perhaps, you invite another in

The wonderful and beautiful
Burnt through with the dark rays
Heatstroke killing moments
Heaviness leading astray
I doubt myself,
As I’m warmed slowly
revulsion separates me
Whilst I fly away
Burning doubt infected who I could be
Self- belief, an alien concept
Inner love that I crave
Cooling down the sore spots
Beyond capable, of being brave
Ex-planations and motivations
I’m articulate,
Articulate, only, in my head
Brains goes to mush
Reproducing broken words
Words, through which, I’d bled
Dancing, to the sound of a vehicle reversing
Finding beats everywhere
You’re the ones not seeing it, not reaching
You can make music here - or there
I’d rather see magic in the mundane
and monotonous
The NEVER monotonous
Whilst you’d rather sneer at arms raised
Tyres screeching in avoidance and bewilderment
Joyous smiles firing up the motor
If life’s music gets the engine going,
who cares where the brain went
I’d rather live outside the cage
I have a couple of slightly different versions of this one..

(longer version)

Tara Star
People pleasing, I ‘disappointed’,
feel I did something ‘wrong’


taratalks ADHD trauma
